Hi Everybody,
As usual, in this blog, I would like to take a look at how the Advanced Trader, could have maximised their results, using the additional tools in the MTPredictor software and experience.
The standard Blow looked at a TS4 sell on the 5min YM, and then used the STF for stop adjustment. But when we take a closer look at the decline off this TS4 high, we can see that it unfolded in 5 waves, as automatically found my the minor Elliott Wave module.............. We all know that once you get into a Wave 5, the current swing is usually over, so what would the sensible thing have been to do once this decline entered a Wave 5, and (more importantly) reached the maximum Wave 5 WPT ?
Exactly, start to protect the profitable short trade more aggressively. The result was a massive +7.8R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission).
BTW, notice how the TS4 sell nailed the high of the day and the low of the day was at the maximum Wave 5 WPT – so MTP nailed both the high and the low of the day for you yesterday - now that I find amazing !!
Thanks, Steve
As usual, in this blog, I would like to take a look at how the Advanced Trader, could have maximised their results, using the additional tools in the MTPredictor software and experience.
The standard Blow looked at a TS4 sell on the 5min YM, and then used the STF for stop adjustment. But when we take a closer look at the decline off this TS4 high, we can see that it unfolded in 5 waves, as automatically found my the minor Elliott Wave module.............. We all know that once you get into a Wave 5, the current swing is usually over, so what would the sensible thing have been to do once this decline entered a Wave 5, and (more importantly) reached the maximum Wave 5 WPT ?
Exactly, start to protect the profitable short trade more aggressively. The result was a massive +7.8R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission).
BTW, notice how the TS4 sell nailed the high of the day and the low of the day was at the maximum Wave 5 WPT – so MTP nailed both the high and the low of the day for you yesterday - now that I find amazing !!
Thanks, Steve